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Happening now:

Kviga är tillgängliga för spelningar 2024-2025 med följande upplägg:

Arbetssånger: familjeföreställning

Folk i Fångenskap: musikföreställning

Konsert med svensk folkmusik och spel till dans

Vi håller gärna i viskurser, låtkurser och spel till dans!

We are now available in Region Stockholm's children's show range! 

Book us via Musikkonsulenterna for a subsidized price:

Kviga i Rättvik.jpg

Nina Grigorjeva

Nina is a multi-instrumentalist and singer with an international career as a baroque musician behind her. Early music has now been replaced by folk music and its own cross-genre projects. In Kviga she plays Swedish traditional flutes such as härjedalspipa, willow flute and sings.

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Lovis Jacobsson

With many strings on her lyre, Lovis Jacobsson is the group's crazy instrumentalist. With i.a. guitar, citter and sometimes playing pipe, hen is a groove machine that lifts most things. After several years at various folk high schools, hen now also has a bachelor's degree in folk music at the sitter at the Royal Academy of Music.


The top and bottom, on vocals and bass, we hear Ida Hellsten. She grew up in the Östgötland folk music scene but has both folk and jazz in the repertoire. With a bachelor's degree in folk singing from KMH, she is the narrating voice in Kviga. 

Ida Hellsten


+46 76 145 69 59


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