Ida Hellsten
På gång 2025
Aktiva projekt med Ida Hellsten:
Kviga- föreställningar, konserter och kurser
Kur8its- elektroakustisk dansmusik
Flora and Fauna- keltisk neofolk med två harpor, bas och trummor
Soloprogram med sång, elbas och liveloopar.
Konsertdatum 2025
23/1 Flora and Fauna, Celtic Connections, Glasgow.
25/1 Kviga, Sörmlands spelmansförbunds 100-årsjubileum, Gnesta.
15/2 Flora and Fauna + Ceren Kaçar, VINTERJAZZ: Huset i Hasserisgade, Aarhus
26/2 Flora and Fauna, Rönnels antikvariat, Stockholm.
Flora and Fauna
Flora and Fauna is a multi-national folk-fusion band that features the original music of
Celtic harpists, Justyna Krzyżanowska (Sweden) and Lucie Hendry (Scotland).
Collaborating with musicians from Denmark and Sweden, the quartet have developed a
distinctive sound that intertwines their traditional folk roots with contemporary
Their music is an eclectic mix, drawing inspiration from folk, classical, and jazz genres,
as well as the myths and legends of the British Isles, Scandinavia, and Slavic countries
of the Middle Ages. Flora and Fauna’s compositions explore both the tangible and
mythical worlds, bringing to life the creatures of ancient bestiaries - artistic collections
of stories about the world's wildlife and plant life.
Inspired by nature and mythology, Flora and Fauna create a sonic tapestry rich with
lush melodies, heavy grooves and hypnotic sounds. They blend two harps with
synthesiser, vocals, bass and drums, taking audiences on an uplifting and unexpected
journey through a modern-day musical bestiary.
Folk i fångenskap
En musikföreställning av trion Kviga: Folk i fångenskap. Vad sjöng man om på häktet på 70-talet? Vad säger musiken om hur det var att sitta i fångenskap för 300 år sedan? I sång har olika livsöden med frihetsberövning bevarats fram till idag.
Föreställningen består av musik och berättelser från Svenskt visarkiv, Smålands musikarkiv, Folkmusikens hus och många andra källor.
Går att boka nu!
Nu har vi släppt Kvigas första egna skiva: en jul-EP! De lustigare sidorna av julefirandet gestaltas med stämsång och glimt i ögat. Grov dialekt får blandas med högtidlighet och glädje!
Lyssna på Spotify, Apple Music, Google Music och många andra digitala plattfomar!
Mixning: Lovis Jacobsson
Mastering: Eric Lindh
Omslagsbild: Anna Drvnik
Grafisk design: Ida Hellsten
Single release!
Now 2 singles are available on Spotify and many other platforms. Listen here!
Do you really need new shoes? Well, maybe, when the world feels so crushing that all you can do is dance them apart and hope for a better tomorrow.
Single release 3
New single release September 29th, on St. Michael's Day!
Melody and almost all text trad. Vikbolandet, Östergötland.
Let us all be glad that nowadays you can change jobs at any time of the year!
Single release!
I am now on Spotify with the single "Så snart for då min fröjd sin kos". Listen!
The coral is from Östergötland / Småland and is recorded by CA Södling. I have written about the text for a more secular society, because it is not sinful to mourn.
It is necessary.
Photo: Nina Grigorjeva
Vinner åter
Reflection requires repetition.
But how many times should the same agony go on loop before things get better?
I wonder.
I'm tormented.
With folk songs on the loop.
I sing:
Mikaelidagen from Vikbolandet, in Tinder version.
Jag längtade som andra, Trad for Elfrida Olsson, Äppelbo, Dalarn. I have it after Maria Misgeld.
Betyngda, own composition. To you haters who pollute the world and the internet.
Nya skor, slängpolska now in seven eight from Småland / Östergötland.
Allt vad vi på jorden äga, coral with rewritten text from Södervidinge.
My graduation concert
It has now been a year since I did my graduation concert at KMH. I am extremely grateful that I had the opportunity to play with such great musicians and keep it going afterwards.
The concert consists of what I developed during my time at the Royal Academy of Music and some homages to the teachers I had the honor of having during my time there.
Participating in the concert in addition to myself are Alfred Gefvert on accordion and Fredrik Mikael Mattsson on bass clarinet and tenor saxophone.
Spelningar Hösten 2022
13-16/10 Folk Music Ontario, London, Kanada
25/11 Kviga och Greta Sundström, Mariehamns stadsbibliotek
26/11 Kviga och Greta Sundström, Stallhagen i Finström
30/11 Kviga, lunchkonsert, Segeltorp kyrka, Huddinge
8/12 Jul med Kviga, Torsby
16/12 Jul med Kviga, Sigridslunds kafé och handelsbod
Here I will play this spring in different constellations:
2 / 4- Ida & Annie, Stallet
9 / 4- Ida & Annie, LÅT! KMH
23 / 4- Working songs with Kviga; Löfstad castle
6/5-Working Songs with Kviga; Vår Lokal, Gnesta
26 / 7- Working songs with Kviga; Avesta Chamber Music Association
12 / 8- Gubbtut & Bastant, Alandica
10 / 9- Working songs with Kviga; Upplandsmuseet
17 / 9- Working songs with Kviga; Märsta Kulturhus
Gubbtut & Bastant
Fine-tuned and insightful songs on duo with Fredrik Mikael Mattsson on folk flutes and Ida Hellsten on vocals and double bass.
Melodies composed by Fredrik Mikael Mattsson and folk music from Åland are this duo's home.
The melody is written in Kökar, Åland, where Finnish quarry workers sang at work.